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Virescit Vulnere Virtus (Modet blomstrar i ett sår)
House of Burnett är det världsomspännande Burnett Society
Burnett History
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Burnett Tartan
In 1822 the first Royal visit to Scotland since 1651 took place. The visitor was the newly crowned King George IV. The arrangements were masterminded by Sir Walter Scott who encouraged the Highland Chiefs to appear before their sovereign in tartan. Very few chiefs knew what their tartan was, and an enterprising weaver, Mr. Wilson by name, who resided at Bannockburn near Stirling, obliged by producing suitable tartan patterns.

Group of Men in Tartan Attire

Burnett Dress
(Red) Tartan
Burnett Hunting
(Brown) Tartan
Burnett History: HTML Embed
Burnett History: Text
History and Genealogy Documents
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